Library Resources
Butler Library houses a collection of circulating material relevant to Classics in the stacks and of non-circulating material in the Ancient and Medieval Studies Reading Room, 603 Butler, including reference works, full series of texts, and monographs. The Papyrology, Paleography, and Epigraphy Reading Room, 604 Butler, has a non-circulating collection of primary and secondary material relating to those disciplines. Excellent online resources can be found on the Library's pages for these reading rooms, including a list of Classics-related periodicals in the University's libraries, originally compiled by Eleanor Dickey. The Ancient and Medieval Studies Librarian is Karen Green.
Avery Library also has a non-circulating collection of Loeb texts as well as resources relevant to the study of Greek and Roman art and architecture. The Classics Department (617 Hamilton Hall) also has a small non-circulating library consisting mostly of primary texts for current students.